SOLVED: How to Install MongoDB on Arch Linux

How to Install MongoDB on Arch Linux

In this blog, we are going to install MongoDB in Arch Linux [Manjaro] in the simplest way.

We will utilize the Yay AUR assistant, which is among several AUR assistants available for the installation of MongoDB or any other AUR package.

So, I needed to install MongoDB in Manjaro and I just went to and tried to install MongoDB as we normally do it.

It was taking a bit time, a bit too time, and quite a time and my laptop fan was now spinning at its highest RPM, and below in the page, in comments section, I saw this comment.

How to Install MongoDB on Arch Linux

I had already waited for quite a few minutes and I surely could not spare that much of storage.

So, I tried for an alternative given there, the mongodb-bin package. For some reason, it didn’t work for me. I tried the solutions from here and here. But no luck. Then, I came across this blog and it worked like charm.

Here is How to Install MongoDB on Arch Linux

Here we use MongoDB’s pre-built binary that skips the entire compilation stage, downloading a pre-built binary from, and packaging it with the necessary configuration files.

yay -S mongodb-bin

If there is any error like ==> Error: Problem importing keys. , then it can be solve by following code:

gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// --recv 27EDEAF22F3ABCEB50DB9A125CC908FDB71E12C2
sudo pacman -Syy
yay -S mongodb-bin

After installing the package. Start/Enable the mongodb.service daemon.

systemctl enable --now mongodb
systemctl start --now mongodb

Test it:


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